Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Just an Old Letter

My grandparents
George and Calla May Hendricks

Just an Old Letter
Nancy G. Hill

I have in my possession several photographs of my maternal grandmother, Calla May Welton Hendricks.  In the pictures she is young and beautiful with her high collar and her dark hair piled on her head.  Since I have no memories of my grandmother, I occasionally study the photos to try to learn something about this woman who was my mother’s mother.  Was she serious?  Or did she have a sense of humor?  Was she hard working?  Or did she tend to be lazy?  Did she enjoy being the mother of two daughters?
My mother couldn’t help me with answers to these questions; she had no memories of her mother either.  Calla Hendricks died of scarlet fever in 1912 when her baby—my mother—was nine months old.

In the summer of 1989, my four sisters and I spent three days helping my mother sort through 77 years of possessions—organizing, making piles, and filling garbage bags for several trips to the village dump.  While my mother was in the kitchen filling the house with smells of freshly-baked cinnamon buns, I was sorting through the papers of Mom’s late sister, Helen.  Suddenly I held in my hand a letter beyond price; it was a letter my mother did not even know existed.  The letter was dated October 4, 1912, the handwriting looked remarkably like my mother’s, and the signature read: Calla. 

We gathered in a circle and wept as we read aloud the words of a healthy young woman who would be dead in less than three months. This was like a window into my grandmother's personality.  The pictures we already possessed took on new meaning.  For the first time in her life, my mother “heard” her mother speak lovingly of her two daughters. 

Did Calla have a sense of humor? You bet!  She was still laughing as she recounted the antics of her two-year old.  Was she lazy or hardworking?  I’ll let you decide:

I put up about 100 quarts of berries and currants and have a lot of pears to do up yet.  Have eight quarts of corn and a lot of jelly. Have been making tomato pickles today but didn’t get it all done.  I picked most of the berries myself.  Wasn’t I smart?

Somehow, even more moving than when she called her two little ones “dears,” was when she wrote, “We all went to the Eddy yesterday.  I got some cloth to make baby some rompers.” [That baby was my mother.]

Those written words caused the unsmiling face in the pictures to burst into life for me.   Now I could see her lovely face--tired from a day of picking berries and chasing babies--bent over the treadle sewing machine.  The flickering light from the kerosene lamp is casting shadows on the walls as Calla makes rompers from the cloth she had carefully chosen for her precious Geraldine. Now I could see those arms, hanging stiffly at her side in the picture, reach out to lift her baby--still warm with sleep--from her crib.

Just a few words breathed life into those photographs, and my grandmother became a real person, not just a stiff face on a glossy piece of paper.  I feel quite certain now that, had she lived, she would have slipped pennies into my chubby little palm after I helped her with the dishes.  Most certainly she would have sent me cards on my birthday, and I suspect that she might have casually mentioned to her friends at the church social that her granddaughter was the sixth grade spelling champion.

One letter, in Calla’s own handwriting.  What price tag can be placed on that?  $100?  $1000?  No thanks—I’ll take the smudged, faded letter written by Calla May Hendricks almost 100 years ago.



  1. Oh, Nancy, I love this. Mom had told me that your grandmother died when your mom was just a baby. What a precious treasure you have in that letter. I have spent time over several years tracing our hertitage back on my side and on Dennis' side. It facinates me. Dennis' great grandmother was also a Welton...maybe we are connected through blood and the Spirit!!! Thank you for sharing! Laureen (Hamm) Lawrence

    1. Oh, Laureen, how delightful to get this message from you! I am intrigued by the fact that Dennis' great grandmother was a Welton--wouldn't that be interesting if we were related!

  2. Love this story, Mom. Must be where I got my domestic skills from with all that canning and sewing and berry picking that I'm known for. :)

    1. Wait, Kaley! You obviously got your domestic skills from me!

  3. Does anyone else think that Aunt Mat favors Calla? Loved this story and that letter is indeed a treasure. I have all the letters my great grandma, Emma May, wrote me as a child and they are priceless.

    1. Natalie, actually many people say that Shelli favors Calla. Which explains why you think Aunt Mat does :-)

  4. Hi Nancy,

    I'm a distant cousin of yours (3rd cousin if I calculate correctly) - we have the same GG Grandparents William and Cynthia (Brisack) Gould. My grandmother and Calla May were first cousins and well acquainted. I was updating my online family tree and came across this post - it was fascinating to hear of the letter.

    Maybe we can exchange some family data? My webtree page is here:

    If you click on my name at the bottom of that page, you can send me an email. (I can register you as a member on the site so you can view all the family data, including that of living persons).

    Hope to hear from you!

    F. Neil Simms
    Carrboro, NC

    1. Neil, what a pleasant surprise to learn that I have a 3rd cousin from North Carolina who discovered me on my little blog! I look forward to checking out your webtree page. Thanks for making yourself known.
